
We’re in this together – connect with CEIS


Hi there! Did you know that thousands of students across Canberra take part in Christian Education every school term? Maybe you are one of them or maybe you have been wondering what it’s all about. This is the place to wonder some more! CEIS loves curious kids! Student Video Do you wonder what kids think … Continue reading


All over the world parents naturally desire the best for their children. CEIS desires that too. The CEIS ‘seek, question, explore’ platform is inclusive of all students and respects each child. Knowing what’s best for your child CEIS provides a refreshing and easy opportunity for any child to wonder, explore and learn about Christian faith, … Continue reading


CEIS professionally services requests for Christian Education in ACT government schools. Modern, interactive sessions engage students of all ages. Volunteers are endorsed, trained and committed to supporting each student. Building valuable partnerships CEIS is a legislated option for parents who want their children to better understand Christian faith and values. CEIS works in partnership with the ACT Education … Continue reading


CEIS helps local churches serve local families as their children ‘seek, question, explore’ Christianity. It’s a valuable community partnership. Serving your local community Imagine the impact of the next generation wondering more about life and better understanding Easter, Christmas, the Bible and God’s promised rescue plan! Could there be a more valuable investment of time, money or … Continue reading



CEIS encourages local Christians to support students at local schools by volunteering their time. Resources, training & team leaders are provided for Christian Education sessions each term. Wondering with young explorers Parents of local school children are asking that their children find out more about Christian faith and values. This really could be the most … Continue reading


Host or help Thank you for considering to host or help with a CEIS fundraiser. CEIS coordinates the fundraisers below each term, but you are certainly welcome to create or rearrange any fundraiser to work best for your group, church or organisation. Contact us if you would like to help or to discuss your amazing … Continue reading



CEIS is a not-for-profit project serving families in local ACT schools. Financial support from churches, individuals and organisations maintains this valuable community service. Giving so others can seek, question, explore CEIS relies on donations from churches, individuals and organisations to provide a requested service in ACT government primary schools. As a not-for-profit project of the … Continue reading

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