Support CEIS

CEIS is a nonprofit organisation that explores Jesus and faith with children in ACT Government Schools

Your donation supports the provision of this service to students

CEIS is a not-for-profit project serving families in local ACT schools. Financial support from churches, individuals and organisations maintains this valuable community service so that children may seek, question and explore the Christian values of faith, hope and love.

Giving so others can seek, question, explore

CEIS relies on donations from churches, individuals and organisations to provide a requested service in ACT government primary schools. Thousands of students are participating and further growth continues.

As a not-for-profit project of the ACT Churches’ Council, CEIS has Deductible Gift Recipiency (DGR) status. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible for eligible recipients. Each donation is a valuable investment in:

  • children given an opportunity to seek, question & explore Christian faith & values
  • curriculum development and resource provision
  • professional liaison with schools, families, churches, volunteers and relevant organisations
  • employment of qualified staff to coordinate all aspects of the CEIS project
  • effective PR and fund-raising events
  • essential office and infrastructure supplies

Donation: eligible for tax deduction (individuals/some organisations)

Direct Deposit from your account (you arrange one-off or regular: no fee to CEIS)
Account Name: CRE DGF
BSB: 702-389
Account No: 0520-9480
Reference: Your surname
Please email details to for receipting purposes

Cheques can be made out to CRE Deductible Gift Fund and posted with your details to: CEIS 6/92 Hoskins St, Mitchell ACT 2911

Credit Card (attracts a fee to CEIS)
Donation to Christian Education in Schools(ACT)

Donation: not eligible for tax deduction (churches/organisations)

Direct Deposit from your account (you arrange one-off or regular: no fee to CEIS)
Account Name: Christian Education Operating Account
BSB: 702-389
Account No: 0520-9603
Reference: Your church name
Please email details to for receipting purposes

Cheques can be made out to CRE Deductible Gift Fund and posted with your details to: CEIS 6/92 Hoskins St, Mitchell ACT 2911

In Memorium: Wills & Bequests

Bequests are a simple yet powerful way to support a cause that matters to you.
Please contact your solicitor, lawyer or estate planner to discuss your choice for a residual or specific bequest to CEIS.
To honour the memory of a special loved one CEIS can provide the support needed so that relatives and friends may donate to CEIS in lieu of cards or flowers.
Please contact the CEIS Coordinator for more information.

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