
CEIS values the support and power of prayer

Everyone is welcome to join us in prayer for the work of CEIS

CEIS values the support and power of prayer. Anyone is welcome to join in any prayer activity below.

Individual prayer

General prayer points: Term 3 – 2024

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you;
   I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4

Thank you for praying for Christian Education in Schools. Your prayers are vital. We praise God that we are able to provide this service in ACT government primary schools. We give thanks for the opportunity children have to seek, question and explore God, Jesus and the Bible!


  • CEIS  were able to offer sessions in two new primary schools in Term 2.
  • we saw students explore new insights with really good questions and engagement
  • CEIS continues to be apart of the schools calender.
  • new connections with churches and prayer partners. 
  • continued progress with CEIS highschool sessions. 
  • time to chat with CEIS church partners. 


  • that all is ready in time for the Term 3 sessions
  • that school lists are up to date and accurate.
  • that exploring ‘the Bible’ engages each student personally
  • that more local churches consider school partnerships and donations
  • that CEIS connections remain strong across schools, churches, leaders and volunteers
  • that students & families connect with a local church this Term 
  • that God prompts volunteers for high school commencement for continued, nurtured and grown. 
  • that the CEIS staff team Marike, Jess & Caz are blessed with unity, clarity and a shared capability to carry CEIS on as Karen retires .  

Specific prayer points: emailed when CEIS occurs in schools

Subscribe to ‘Prayer Points’ below to have the general + specific prayer points emailed to you each school term

Group prayer

AT CEIS TRAINING:  A time of prayer occurs at each of the CEIS training sessions, during Week 4 of each term. Anyone is welcome to pop in and pray, whether they are volunteering or not – details here.

Grow Children/Youth Ministry Conference

Join with others committed in service to children and young people, at this half-day of training, fellowship, prayer and encouragement.

SATURDAY 3 AUGUST 2024 – 8:30am-1:00pm
Australian Catholic University (ACU), Veritas Building
​223 Antill St, Watson   

To Register follow the link:

CMN – Children’s Ministry Network

The ACT Children’s Ministry Network (CMN) aims to support prayer, fellowship and growth for individuals and ministries focused on children and families. 

The CMN is hosted by an ecumenical group of Christian leaders from the ACT.

  • Facilitator – Libby Horton
  • Facebook page – CMN ACT Region

These leaders are involved in a range of churches and Christian ministries and are passionate about connecting people of all ages and cultures in their exploration of Christianity and following Jesus. They value the place of church in community and pursue relevant options to engage a broader audience across our modern society.

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