What we provide
CEIS Approach
Christian Education sessions are an optional part of a holistic education process and in no way demand beliefs, decisions or church attendance.
CEIS Sessions
CEIS provides a one-hour session each term, scheduled across schools during weeks 7-10.
Each year the four term sessions are connected for consistency and student understanding. For extra details about the four sessions read our 4-session model page.
- Term 1 Easter Extravaganza: exploring who Jesus is & what this world-wide festival means
- Term 2 Beyond You: wondering about ourselves, others & God; loving & accepting all
- Term 3 Bible Bonanza: discovering the one big story of the world’s biggest selling book; digging deeper into some details
- Term 4 Christmas Celebrations: contemplating the traditional events of Christmas as part of a bigger plan for humanity
Over four years CEIS offers a range of approaches to these annual themes, such as creative inquiries and thinking journeys. Students of all ages are engaged through a range of interactive resources, games, activities, challenges and reflections. Questions are encouraged and any individual responses respected.
Each term a session overview is available for schools and families.
CEIS Endorsements
The ACT Education and Training Directorate endorses CEIS as a valued service provider in local schools. CEIS sessions apply modern pedagogy, incorporate ‘multiple intelligences’ and offer activities based on a range of learning styles.