
Donate Today to CEIS Plant a Seed of Faith

At CEIS, we believe in nurturing the hearts and minds of our children with the timeless teachings of Jesus and the profound values of Christianity. These principles offer students a broader and enriched perspective on life, allowing them to grow in love, compassion, and understanding.

How You Can Help:
One-Time Donation
Make a one-time contribution to support our mission.
Monthly Giving
Become a sustaining supporter by committing to a monthly donation.
Legacy Gifts
Include CEIS in your estate planning to leave a lasting impact.

Use the donate section on this page or go to Support CEIS for further account details.

Your Impact:
1. Plant a Seed of Faith: Every donation, no matter how small, helps plant a seed of faith in a child’s heart. You have the power to inspire a lifetime of spiritual growth.
2. Spread the Lessons of Love: Your contribution ensures that the teachings of Jesus reach more children. Help us share these lessons of love and compassion that resonate in all aspects of life.
3. Guide the Path: With your support, we can guide our youth in walking the path that Jesus set for us, helping them to become responsible, caring, and thoughtful individuals.

Join Us in Making a Difference:
With your generous support, we can continue to introduce Christian values into our classrooms, touching the lives of more children every day. Your donation is more than a gift, it’s an investment in the spiritual growth and well-being of our youth. Together, let’s build a future filled with faith, love, and compassion. Thank you for your unwavering support!

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