When & Where


CEIS provides a one-hour session to groups of participating students each term, scheduled across numerous schools during weeks 6-10.  Sessions occur during learning time in a space designated exclusively for CEIS.  Regular lessons continue in each school for non-participating students.

CEIS occurs in a school when parents request Christian Education for their children.
Parents can request Christian Education through:
– a conversation with their school principal, followed up with an email to the CEIS Coordinator
– the online form below, in conjunction with letting their school principal know.

Once a parent request has been placed the regular process that occurs is:
1. CEIS meets with the school principal to outline the implementation of Christian Education.
2. The school may advise the school board of the request (no decision required as parent requests are a legislated allowance)
3. CEIS information is distributed to the school community (for clarity and equality); other interested parents may also request that
     their children participate.
4. CEIS continues to liaise with the school to establish student groups, dates, allocated space and community information.

Where CEIS is held

If you would like to ADD your child to CEIS at a school listed below, you can place a request below or at the school front office.

If your child’s school is NOT LISTED and you would like Christian Education for them you can PLACE A PARENT REQUEST BELOW. Please let your school principal know that you’ve placed a request then CEIS will proceed with the regular process.

Ainslie  –  Amaroo  –  Aranda  –  Arawang  –  Bonython
Calwell  –  Campbell  –  Chapman  –  Charles Conder  –  Charnwood Dunlop  –  Cranleigh  –  Curtin
Duffy  –  Evatt  –  Evelyn Scott  –  Fadden  –  Farrer  –  Forrest  –  Fraser
Gilmore  –  Giralang  –  Hawker  –  Hughes  –  Isabella Plains  –  Kaleen  –  Kingsford Smith
Majura –  Malkara  –  Maribyrnong  –  Monash  –  Mount Rogers
Namadgi  –  Neville Bonner  –  Ngunnawal  –  Red Hill  –  Southern Cross
Telopea Park  –  Theodore  –  Torrens
Wanniassa Hills  –  Weetangera  –  Yarralumla

Amaroo  –  Kaleen  –  Kingsford Smith  –  Melrose

ACT Legislation

CEIS supports and serves the ACT Education Act 2004 Section 29 that provides for the teaching of religious education in government schools when requested by parents for their children.

The Religious Education in Schools Policy of the ACT Education and Training Directorate states that the teaching of religious education in government schools will be coordinated in individual schools by the principal, in co-operation with specific religious bodies and parents.

The national Australian Curriculum incorporates the development of ethical understanding for students and addresses the Christian heritage of Australia (www.australiancurriculum.edu.au).

Request for CEIS in your School

Yes, I request that my child/ren receive Christian Education whilst they attend the public school listed below, as offered by the ‘Christian Education In Schools’ project.

If you are giving permission for more than 4 children, please fill in multiple forms and they will be aggregated.

I understand that this request will remain in place until my child leaves the school, unless I withdraw it at any stage.
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